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    Forsaken (2015)

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    The movie forsaken is a true story about a young pastor’s son that called upon God when his 2 year old daughter fell sick and eventually had to fight for her life. His faith in god stood fast, and he believed that God can and will heal his daughter. But time could become a man’s worst enemy! As his daughter became Weaker and weaker, she eventually knocked on death’s door. The man’s faith started to fade away and he kept questioning God. The young father eventually broke down and gave up hope. With the bible against the wall in an act of desperation, he called out that there is no god. For the next 30 seconds he felt what it was like without God. It shocked him back to reality as he experienced this cold, silent and lonely time. He eventually came to a point when he realized that if he weighed up eternal life to His earthly circumstances, that choosing God was a given.

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    • Willie Olwage
    • ~ 80 min.
    • Drama
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    0 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Drama
    Autor: Willie Olwage
    Produzent: Morne Lane
    Executive Producer: Joost Smuts
    Schauspieler: Gerhard Steyn  Marisa Drummond  Hykie Berg  Johan Scholtz  Andre Frauenstein  David Louw  Juanita de Villiers  Minante Pieterse  9 weitere
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